Monday, March 19, 2012

Flying North (to fight evil)

Leaving to go on a journey
I put a feather in my hair
a gift from Hawk
two small braids for grounding

Coyote crosses my path
wild luck is on my side
Hawk flies low in front of me
welcoming the sky

Tailwind pushes me forward
Dancing Ladies sway in the wind

I wonder if I have brought the wind
By placing a feather in my hair

Raven speaks
“No, the wind came on its own
you belong to the wind like us”

Hawk hovered in stronger winds
“Let the wind hold you up like this”

Ahead a mountain rises from the earth
I climb, elevation increasing
today the wind comes from the southwest
I fly on the wings of spring
flowers will follow

Lands of juniper
lands of pine
sulfur, salt, snow and sky
I soar over the tallest peak
near the river of red rock
I land in the arms of life
drink the earth’s pure spring water
fully alive

Hawk is once again
watching over me
Raven flies
by my side

Images copywrite Desert Dreamer.


Anonymous said...

Such connection throughout this! A glimpse into such a life where I can only dream of such beauty! Gorgeous work love xoxo

Totzaon said...

Love the site and your posts...Michelle Reid Apollo Blessed fan too.